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April 2019 - page 3


Q&A: Mrs. Gregor

Starting with this article, I’m going to be doing monthly teacher question-and-answers (Q&A’s). After choosing a teacher, students may send any questions they may have for the teacher to my email ([email protected]) and all appropriate questions will be asked. This month, I chose to interview Mrs. Dawn Gregor, a long-time AP and Honors Chemistry teacher at Heritage, since she is a beloved teacher who will be leaving next year. Her students, both past and present, were very eager to submit questions. To find out more about Mrs. Gregor through this Q&A, read on. Keep Reading


Science Rules at Delray campus with Bill Nye

American Heritage Boca/Delray has just unveiled its newest facility dedicated to the pursuit of STEM. The new, 12,000 square-foot building includes labs for robotics as well as a scanning electron microscope. The attendance of the ribbon-cutting ceremony included figures such as Boca Raton mayor Scott Singer and Bill Nye “The Science Guy.” Keep Reading

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