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Maia Fernandez Baigun - page 3

Maia Fernandez Baigun has 32 articles published.

Maia Fernandez Baigun has been on the Patriot Post staff for three years and is the Print Co-Editor-in-Chief. She loves design, photography and everything related to music. Maia is also the historian for National Honor Society and the Vice President for Save the Memories. In her free time, if she has any, Maia can be found on Spotify, making one too many playlists or taking photos.

Where has Billie Gone?

Despite a few moments that toy with Eilish’s persona, When we all fall asleep is both lyrically and melodically beautiful. Not only does she spill her truth about life itself, but she does so in a way that mimics everyday’s ups and downs. Keep Reading


Chicago: A look behind the scenes

“Chicago”, a compelling, energetic and powerful Broadway musical originally performed in 1996, is the story of fame, fortune and all that jazz. This year, the Heritage’s Fine Arts department brings Chicago in the same compelling light with their senior high spring musical. Keep Reading


In between tapas

Entretapas is definitely among my top restaurants in this area, especially when I’m in the mood for a relaxing, but hearty dinner with the family. With its modern-yet-traditional take on decor, lively night performances that light up the room and satisfying dishes, this restaurant might be the place to visit if you’re looking for something a little different than pizza or a tray of sushi. Keep Reading


Got Senioritis?

Second semester of senior year rolls around, and all you can think of is the mere four months you have left of high school. Laziness and procrastination kicks in, and you slowly start to care less and less about each night’s schoolwork and focus more on future plans. Grades slowly start to decrease, but the anxiety and panic that used to follow is nowhere to be found. Keep Reading

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