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July 2019


Reaching out overseas

As students, most of us sit in desks to learn. However, nine TASSEL members had the opportunity to swap roles for a week and act as teachers in a foreign language class. Keep Reading


Battle of the (local) bands

With Miami’s highlight on Latin pop, Soundcloud rappers and acclaimed disco music, it’s easy to forget the indie-funk bands at the center of the city’s nightlife. From The Fortune Tellers to The Heavy Pets, here are a few bands to introduce you to the growing scene. Keep Reading


Math team comes home in second place

While most students were on vacation, the Heritage Mu Alpha Theta (MAO) team competed in nationals. The team came in second to longtime math rival Buchholz High School in the MAO national competition in Las Vegas July 14-19, mirroring the results of the state competition. Keep Reading


Off-season diet: How is it different?

For most competitive athletes, the off-season is anything but a time to take a complete break from their preparation for the upcoming year. While rest is important, athletes will resume their preparation at some point in the off-season. Similar to how they remain ready throughout the year, athletes typically partake in intense training and dieting to keep themselves in peak condition over the break. Keep Reading

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