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7500 building closes on final day before spring break
Spanish classes were held outside on Patriot Patio on March 21, so the students took an opportunity to have some fun in the sun. (Photo/Ella Colarte Delgado) … Keep Reading

Over twenty researchers conquer FJAS
Florida Tech University hosted FJAS. Students gather together after the ceremony to celebrate their sweep. (Photo/Dr. Anita Shaw) … Keep Reading

From house cats to jaguars: FVS hosts veterinarian guest speaker
Bellows demonstrates and teaches students how to find and listen to a dog's heartbeat with a stethoscope. “My favorite part was hearing about his unique experiences all around the world with animals like baboons and bears as well as listening … Keep Reading

French students claim victory at Le Congrès
From left to right, top to bottom: Senior Ani Berd, juniors Mira Zine-El-Abidine, Sadie Loughlin, Juan Ruiz, sophomores Alex Ngo, Stella Agratchev, Mariana Roque de Moraes, junior Rosario Castaneda Lozano, seniors Jara Jacobson, Sophie Tulle, sophomores Charlotte Duane, Diane Allain-Tereshchenko, … Keep Reading

The Carnival Dance Marathon comes to town
Started by Heritage alumnus Seraphina Hsiao, the Miracle Network Dance Marathon (MNDM) has been steadfast in its goal of raising funds for the local Nicklaus Children’s Hospital. … Keep Reading

Friday’s Clash of Classes pep rally ends spring spirit week with games, music and contests
Students in the sophomore section cheer on their team during tug-of-war. Many on the sidelines were very invested in the games, yelling from their seats when their team was losing and cheering when they had the lead. (Photo/Daniel Harper) … Keep Reading
Opinion View all

UH, Actually: It ain’t easy being (not) green
Saint Patrick’s Day, a holiday famous for drinking, dyeing one of the nation’s most well-known rivers the color green and, apparently, getting assaulted if you aren’t wearing the aforementioned color on Saint Paddy’s Day itself. (Photo/Ruby Hedge) … Keep Reading

UH, Actually: Let’s think pink, and celebrate national Barbie day
“Barbie taught me I could be anything I wanted, and I could look beautiful while doing it,” Reeves said. Having a killer style and an amazing job was one of the ideals Barbie gave girls. (Photo/Uma Hedge) … Keep Reading

How I experienced the Fine Arts Festival
The many pre-kindergarteners sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in front of a large audience. There was lots of applause for their performance, and I think they earned every clap. (Photo/Alex Ngo) … Keep Reading
Features View all

What is Nowruz? 3000 year old holiday celebrating a new year
The Patriot Post has our own Haft-sin table in celebration of Nowruz this year. In a Haft-sin table, there are seven (haft) things beginning with the Persian letter sin. Each item on the table holds its own symbolic meaning to … Keep Reading

Holi: How the festival of colors brings light to tradition
Holi is one of the longest standing Indian traditions, and has been around since the fourth century. (Photo/Roma Agarwal) … Keep Reading

St. Patrick’s Day: A reminder of Ireland’s resilience
St. Patrick's Day parade attendees in front of the Belfast City Hall in Northern Ireland. The first official state-sponsored Saint Patrick’s Day parade in Ireland took place after independence in 1931. (Photo/Wikimedia Commons) … Keep Reading
Sports View all

Father-daughter lacrosse rivalry takes center stage in Gainesville
This year, Heritage is looking to become back-to-back district champions. (Photo/Emma Colarte Delgado) … Keep Reading

Ready to Rally: varsity boys volleyball starts their season
Coach Garcia urged on his players throughout the game with encouraging words. “Good work out there, but remember to communicate, we need to work as a team.” Garcia said. (Photos/Mrs.Schrappe) … Keep Reading

Athletes pick up the pen and sign to college
Check out the 31 Heritage seniors from sports including football, baseball, tennis, track, soccer, equestrian, lacrosse, basketball, softball and volleyball commit to their desired college. … Keep Reading
Entertainment View all

“Footloose” opens and brings school audiences a glimpse of the eighties
A student actor and her mother hug each other after the show. Every night in the hallway of the Fine Arts building, the cast would receive compliments and applause as they walked down the stairs into an awaiting crowd. (Photo/Madeline … Keep Reading

Lady Gaga unleashes MAYHEM in her new album
American singer Lady Gaga, the queen of all things strange and iconic, reinvented herself with her newly released album “MAYHEM,” released March 7. With her jaw-dropping disco instrumentals and catchy vocals, Gaga breathes life back into what pop really means … Keep Reading

Travel with Paddington in the new “Paddington in Peru”
Paddington travels from London to Peru in the new “Paddington in Peru” directed by Dougal Wilson. … Keep Reading