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February 2025 - page 5


The President shouldn’t be older than my grandparents

Arguably, most people wouldn’t be as trusting of an elderly Uber driver as they would a younger one. After all, with old age comes sarcopenia (the age-related progressive loss of muscle mass and strength), cognitive health decline, diminished hearing and worsened eyesight to name a few. So, if we are less trusting of them to drive us, why do we trust them to run our country? In Article two, section one, clause five of the U.S. Constitution, it states that… Keep Reading


Make the perfect flower bouquet for Valentine’s Day

The season of love has begun, and one of the most popular gifts to give your valentine are flowers. However, flowers, more often than not, are given directly in the bland, tacky supermarket packaging. Gentlemen, y’all need to step up with your bouquets; upgrading store-bought flowers can be as simple as taking an extra 15 minutes to arrange them. On the other hand, ladies, why not turn the tables and get a bouquet for your man? They can like pretty… Keep Reading


Mu Alpha Theta sweeps the stage at first regional competition

The Mu Alpha Theta team hosted the Florida Association of Mu Alpha Theta (FANMAT) January regional competition in-house Saturday Jan. 25. With over 900 registrations, this competition had the largest turnout Heritage had seen since pre-Covid years.  Within Mu Alpha Theta, there are five categories individuals can compete in based on assigned rankings. Thetas, often freshmen, compete in either Algebra II or Geometry; Alphas (freshmen and sophomores) compete in Pre-Calculus, Mus (juniors and seniors) compete in Calculus and there is… Keep Reading


Celebrating juniors with donuts

After getting through the first semester of what many consider the hardest year of high school, junior class president Elizabeth Xiao put together an event to celebrate junior achievements. Keep Reading

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