The combination of Yummy Grill’s reasonably priced, flavorful and healthy food, and concern for the customers, makes it an ideal place to buy lunch. Keep Reading
Although similar in style to the previous iPhones, the iPhone 7 has unconventionality radiating from its pores – from its pressure powered, haptic-enhanced home button to its rainbow of device colors correctly shaded to emanate elegance and class. (Photo/ Keep Reading
Over the past four months the two candidates for commander in chief have been simultaneously pushing their platforms and attacking each other during rallies and over social media. Monday evening the two will face off for the very first time in person, and the stakes are high. Keep Reading
I have returned to my school and community with a new understanding of the depth of micro-aggressions and social habits. Since TASS, it has been difficult for me to find a way to speak out about these issues. Keep Reading