Home of the American Heritage student newspaper


iPatriotPost - page 15

iPatriotPost has 77 articles published.

American Heritage School's online newspaper just got better.

Straying from their sound: Pray for Panic!

Now almost 13 years after their first album was released, Panic!’s sound has changed with the decade, leaving “Pray for the Wicked” to be a (mostly) pop album with bursts of angst. But it also shows that Panic! is no longer the “2000’s emo” band made up of four young, aspiring musicians from Las Vegas. Keep Reading

Photos: Emma Gellman

New York students standing with South Florida

Drinking coffee on an early winter morning at Columbia University while waiting for our first lecture for Columbia Scholastic Press Association (CSPA), we never expected to witness a walkout at a cathedral in New York. We were taken by surprise that so many students so far from South Florida cared about the fight for student safety. Keep Reading

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