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Entertainment - page 53


Chicago: A look behind the scenes

“Chicago”, a compelling, energetic and powerful Broadway musical originally performed in 1996, is the story of fame, fortune and all that jazz. This year, the Heritage’s Fine Arts department brings Chicago in the same compelling light with their senior high spring musical. Keep Reading


Movie Review: “Captain Marvel”

After Marvel left me in shock at the end of “Avengers: Infinity War,” the last movie I wanted Marvel to release was one that didn’t continue the chronological story. Still trying to comprehend how Marvel released one of the craziest endings to a movie I have ever seen, I admit I was a tad reluctant to see “Captain Marvel.” However, the need for new content from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) won, and my family and I went to see the latest Marvel movie opening day. Warning: possible slight spoilers ahead. Keep Reading


Don’t let cable die

From Netflix to HBO GO to HULU, television streaming apps reside at the top of the food chain. With booming Netflix originals such as “Bird Box” and “Stranger Things,” it can seem like cable television often falls out of the daily routine of many and are replaced with subscriptions to America’s most commonly used providers. Keep Reading

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