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Entertainment - page 57


School’s back, but first: must-watch movies and shows

During this past winter break a large number of movies and shows were released on television, streaming apps such as Netflix, and movie theaters. To save you some time since third quarter has started and our work will start piling on, I have compiled a list of the most “must watch” shows and movies that you may have missed this winter break or just haven’t had time to see. Keep Reading


Boston College Campus Reviews

Leading up to this three day trip in Boston, I had no idea what to fully expect. Sure, I had some ideas based on movies such as “Good Will Hunting,” but not a concrete picture of Boston or a university with such prestigious backing. Not only was this my first time in Boston, it was also my first time touring a university with a guide. However, each college I visited had its own unique charms, making each college visited during the trip memorabile in its own way. Keep Reading

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