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Entertainment - page 77


Restaurant Review: Pho Brothers

The Vietnamese dining destination flaunts a casual ambience and excellent food, though it’s named for its signature pho, a Vietnamese noodle soup made with broth, vegetables, herbs and usually some type of meat, typically left to cook for six hours. Keep Reading

Photo: Joanne Haner

Student talents cater to the Fine Arts Festival

In a day dedicated to the Arts, the Fine Arts Festival and Spring Fling exhibited student talents with a variety of performances and artwork while clubs also raised money for a variety of causes. The Fine Arts Festival was held in the 3000 and Spring Fling on the back field and basketball courts behind the 3000, due to the current construction of the new building on the basketball courts located on the left of the 3000, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Keep Reading

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