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Features - page 42


Speech & Debate competes at UT Austin

Speech and Debate students traveled to Austin, Texas on their first trip and in-person tournament in nearly two years. Public forum (two vs. two debate) and Lincoln-Douglas (ideological debate) debate competitors met at Fort Lauderdale airport and flew out Thursday, Dec. 2, while speech and congressional debate competitors left Friday, Dec. 3. (Photo/Anya Pinto) Keep Reading


Hardest AP classes, as voted on by students

AP classes can allow students to receive college credit in high school, but this headstart comes at a price: these are widely considered to be some of the most difficult classes offered to high schoolers. Heritage offers 25 AP courses with an overall pass rate of 94%, well above average. However, this begs the question: which AP class is the hardest? I surveyed every AP student at the school to find out. (Photo/Ella Gohari) Keep Reading

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