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Features - page 63


When They Were Us: Mrs. Smith

From the age of fifteen, photography teacher Mrs. Teresa Smith has had a passion for photography. “From that point on, it has been a constant hunger to take a photograph worthy of being on a sheet of paper,” Mrs. Smith said. Keep Reading


Paging Dr. Teacher

While most teachers prefer simply teaching, others enjoy sitting in the classroom themselves to advance their educations in graduate school. Keep Reading


How to stay fit while quarantined

With sports cancelled and gym closures due to the COVID-19 outbreak, even athletes could struggle with remaining in shape. However, it is not impossible to stay fit and active safely while in quarantine. Here are a few ways to stay active at home, with or without workout equipment. Keep Reading


Caring for other species during corona

Moving through the unchartered waters of COVID-19 can pose a challenge to all. While many of us may be focused on foraging for toilet paper and hand sanitizer, eighth-grader Sydney Herzbrun had a more charitable activity in mind. Keep Reading


Q&A: Mr. Isaac Sofy

For this Q&A, I chose to interview Mr. Isaac Sofy, former head of the math department and long-time AP Calculus and Statistics teacher at Heritage. His students, both past and present, were very eager to submit questions. To find out more about Mr. Sofy through this Q&A, read on. Keep Reading

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