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Finding education at your fingertips

As a student, it’s comforting to know that help in any subject matter imaginable is just a finger tap away. Read on for some educational apps that you might find helpful throughout the upcoming school year. Keep Reading


A guide to the new guidance counselor

A new face has joined the guidance office: ninth and tenth grade counselor Mrs. Kelley Zavatsky. Responsible for last names A through Go, Mrs. Zavatsky has previous experience with all high school grades from her eight years at Cardinal Gibbons. Keep Reading


Jamie Cohen leads non-profit Peace, Love, Smile

When junior Jamie Cohen entered her freshman year, she already had several interests: photography, Marvel movies and the Miami Hurricanes football team. However, her main passion lies in community service. Cohen heads a non-profit organization called Peace, Love, Smile, an organization dedicated to serving the community through cooking, donating stuffed animals and decorating medals in an off campus organization. Keep Reading


Fun road trip games to play

Whether on the road for college tours or just to escape daily life, summer journeys often entail road trips. As fun as sitting cooped up in a car with your family for seven hours may already be, road trip games can help break up the monotony of Netflix and family fights. Keep Reading


50 Years Later: Remembering Stonewall

June marks the beginning of summer and finally some relief from the stress of the school year. However, June also signifies Pride Month, selected to commemorate the LGBT rights movement and, more specifically, the Stonewall riots. Keep Reading

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