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Seniors enjoy ice cream to celebrate completed college applications 

After a grueling first semester filled with supplemental essays, mock interviews and a plethora of guidance counselor meetings, seniors were able to unwind from the stress Jan. 22 with some ice cream.  Student Government Association (SGA) and the Parent teacher Organization (PTO) helped organize the event, providing fresh Ben & Jerry’s ice cream to seniors during fifth period. Flavors included Phish food, Strawberry Cheesecake, Cookies and Cream, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and Half-Baked brownie ice cream. Senior class president Matthew… Keep Reading


Poll: New Year’s Resolution

Did you make a new year’s resolution? Can you tell us why or why not? How do you feel about new year’s resolutions in general? Use this form to record your response. (Graphic/Alex Ngo) Keep Reading


Q&A: Do you have a unique winter tradition?

Do you have a unique winter tradition? Is there something you do every Christmas, Hanukkah or other winter holiday? Is there something you do over the break every winter in general? Somewhere you always go? Something you always make? Let us know in the form below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe23i9eETusFP2H0PpFno78w2y2q8o9aLFlpYQX6cuLS8Sd-g/viewform Keep Reading

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