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Notability changing how it charges

For individuals that already paid for Notability prior to November 1, 2021, previously available features like paper templates and unlimited note edits will still be accessible. However, they now have the option to purchase the premium plan that offers more tools. (Photo/Zoe Horwitz) Keep Reading


Tips on how to stay safe as a woman

A startling study from the UN Entity for Gender Equality reports that nine out of ten women feel unsafe venturing into public spaces by themselves. While we cannot entirely rule out the possible dangers of an attack occurring, we can definitely take important steps to protect ourselves. (Photo/Click Orlando)` Keep Reading


Haitians beaten at the border

From being the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, to being battered by several earthquakes and hurricanes, to having its president assassinated, it is no question that Haiti is in need of significant economic, political and infrastructural development. However, Haitians are mostly not to be blamed for the current state of their nation. (Graphic/NAACP) Keep Reading

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