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Hurricane Dorian: Bahama Beast

Following Hurricane Dorian reaching category five-level winds, Heritage Plantation closed school Tuesday, September 3. While school resumed session Wednesday, September 4, the now category two, record-breaking beast is more than just a reason to miss school. Keep Reading


Reaching out overseas

As students, most of us sit in desks to learn. However, nine TASSEL members had the opportunity to swap roles for a week and act as teachers in a foreign language class. Keep Reading


Math team comes home in second place

While most students were on vacation, the Heritage Mu Alpha Theta (MAO) team competed in nationals. The team came in second to longtime math rival Buchholz High School in the MAO national competition in Las Vegas July 14-19, mirroring the results of the state competition. Keep Reading


HOSA team advances to nationals

Categories varied from individual and group competitions on topics ranging from organic chemistry to medical spelling. The group consisted of 28 members that prepared for the competition through written tests and group quizzing in the form of HOSA Bowl team rounds. Keep Reading


Mock Trial Nationals: Students at Law

The mock trial team returned from their national competition in Athens, Georgia at the University of Georgia which took place May 16-18. The team, which included senior Talha Pala, juniors Annabella Lugo, Michelle Zapata, Kelly Celestre, Rohit Ramesh, Barak Huang and Meghan Lannon, sophomore Alexa Ruiz and freshman Abigail Canalejo surpassed all of their previous competitions, winning at regionals as well as their state championship (for the fifth time) and advancing to the national level. Keep Reading

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