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News - page 73


Model United Nations hosts third annual AHPMUN

Originally, the conference served as a practice for American Heritage delegates only. However, the conference has grown into its own county-wide MUN conference that serves a more competitive experience for delegations -- as well as a fundraiser for Project Alive, UNICEF and junior Sophia Hurtado, who has Cushing’s Syndrome. Keep Reading


Harvard admissions discrimination case comes to a ruling

Affirmative action, first established in 1965 to actively favor members of minority groups and women in employment, has shifted to college admissions and turned into a buzzword in today’s competitive admissions climate. However, alleged discriminatory practices against Asian American applicants culminated in Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard. Keep Reading


Over the moon for the Mid-Autumn Festival

With over 3000 years of history, the Chinese Moon Festival (中秋节)is an annual celebration for the Chinese club. “The Chinese Moon Festival is a family union festival. In ancient China, most emperors worshipped the moon annually; then, the custom was accepted and became more and more popular over time,” Chinese teacher Mrs. Yadi Yu said. Keep Reading

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