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News - page 79


Scholastic announces national awards

Out of the Gold Key works that were judged at the regional Scholastic Art and Writing competition from December to January, five American Heritage students received an award at the national level. Of the five awards, four were for art or photography with one for poetry, and two were Gold Medals, while the rest were Silver Medals. Keep Reading


One last committee

After a season filled with silver plates and gavels, the Model United Nations (Model UN) team prepared to take on their last conference of the year, the National High School Model United Nations (NHSMUN) competition. Ready to conquer the big apple, 31 students travelled to midtown New York City March 6-9, each with the goal of speaking at the UN Headquarters. Keep Reading


Saving 210 Lives in Less Than 8 Hours

Blood drives every sixty days are the “norm” at Heritage. However, our average blood drive collects approximately 35 pints of blood. Students made history March 7 with the greatest amount of blood ever collected (70 pints) and one of the largest turnouts (83 people). Keep Reading

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