From NHS to Spanish Honor Society, students involved in honors programs are often decorated in senior cords during their high school graduation. However, for those not a part of these clubs, there is now a new way for students to earn a cord. Keep Reading
For seventh graders, eighth graders and sophomores and juniors in non-honors history classes, first semester means four months dedicated to developing a National History Day (NHD) project in the form of either a research paper, performance, exhibit, website or documentary. Keep Reading
Straying from previous tradition of offering exclusively blue and khaki shorts and khaki long pants, administration has expanded the girls’ uniform to include blue and khaki culottes. Keep Reading
Hours of hard work, research and stress paid off for 15 high school students and ten junior high students (see names below) last Friday, Jan. 11. Science fair coordinator and biology teacher Mrs. Leya Joykutty, along with the judging panel, released the school-wide winners of this year’s science fair winners. Keep Reading