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News - page 84


Heritage hosts annual Holiday Bazaar

The bazaar strove to unite the school community and include everyone in lower school, middle school and high school for one day. Parents, students and faculty alike flocked to the event Dec. 11 for a full day of shopping, several baked goods contests and performances from students of all different grade levels. Keep Reading


Giving Christmas to the country

Last year, the Salvation Army provided children from these families with more than 60,000 gifts worldwide. The Angel Tree Foundation, put together by the Salvation Army, has run for over 35 years to ensure that children have a wonderful holiday season and get to experience the joy of opening gifts on Christmas morning. Keep Reading

Hitting A(CDA) right note

The American Choral Directors Association (ACDA) annually selects choir students from across the state to sing as a part of the ACDA honor choir. This year, nine Heritage high school choir students made the cut to represent American Heritage and Florida on the main stage. Keep Reading

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