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News - page 87


Cold Weather < Enhancing Journalism Skills

Facing weather in the high thirties to forties, fourteen journalism students, alongside their advisors Ms. Diana Adams and Mrs. Ashley Hendricks travelled to Chicago to attend the co-organized Journalism Education Association and National Scholastic Press Association (JEA/NSPA) convention Nov. 1 through Nov. 4. Keep Reading


Senior receives first place in Spanish prose contest

Some students love to write poetry or stories, and senior Gabriela Coutinho is one of these students; she loves to express herself by writing about her life and experiences. However, she does so in Spanish. This past month, Coutinho, as well as fellow Spanish Honor Society seniors Eric Bazail and Kevin Yeung, had their works published in “Albricias,” a biannual National Spanish Honor Society journal. Sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP), “Albricias” features prose,… Keep Reading

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