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Behind the clear backpacks policy

Following the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Feb. 14, 2018, Heritage has made considerable attempts to increase our safety on campus, including the addition of two police officers. Another attempt to increase safety will be the requirement of clear backpacks starting next school year. Keep Reading


Just hit play: #ItEndsWithUs

Since the Marjory Stoneman Douglas shooting less than ninety days ago, students across the county as well as the nation have worked endlessly to spark a change for better safety and gun policy. Senior Ryan Methot, in collaboration with fellow activists from Cypress Bay High School and Sagemont High School, is working on a video with a new movement: #ItEndsWithUs, complete with interviews from Florida politicians and student input from schools throughout Broward County.   Keep Reading


Writing for rights: A student-run letter campaign

February 14, 2018 - the nation’s largest mass school shooting occurred at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, resulting in 17 casualties and sparking one of the largest nationwide protests in the past decade. On Thursday, April 19, a school letter writing campaign to Florida representatives started by two American Heritage students began, continuing the #NEVERAGAIN movement support as well as voicing student opinion through official letters. Keep Reading


Junior high students showcase works at Literary Fair

This year, approximately 75 students entered the contest. Composition & Grammar and Literature teachers chose the top poetry and prose works submitted by their students to enter into the Literary Fair, while many students also chose to enter on their own. The judges ranked the top four entries in each category as the winners. Keep Reading

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