Tuesday Feb. 27 juniors received their class rings during first and second period in the main theatre in a ceremony to honor them and personally present their individualized rings. Keep Reading
In a day dedicated to the Arts, the Fine Arts Festival and Spring Fling exhibited student talents with a variety of performances and artwork while clubs also raised money for a variety of causes. The Fine Arts Festival was held in the 3000 and Spring Fling on the back field and basketball courts behind the 3000, due to the current construction of the new building on the basketball courts located on the left of the 3000, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Keep Reading
Early February marked the start of an astonishing (and freezing) week of athleticism and national pride. As the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang come to an end, here are some highlights from internationally revered event. Keep Reading
As a local organization, The Urban Beekeepers are dedicated to preserving and protecting the most important pollinators of the world. This organization is dedicated to showing the world the impact a bee has on our everyday lives. Last Friday, the president of the organization, Mr. John Coldwell spoke to the students of Healthy Heritage and Black Gold and Green, as well as any other interested students. Keep Reading
Perhaps one of the most popular cliches, “learn from the past” accurately describes what 100 freshman did Feb. 21. The catastrophic event of the Holocaust sparked countless books, documentaries and museums in order to preserve the memory of those lost in this tragedy. One such location, the NSU: Holocaust Reflection and Resource Center (HRRC) offers a visually-stimulating Holocaust experience. Freshmen had the opportunity to visit this memorial Feb. 21. Keep Reading