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Opinion - page 15


Reasons to be positive in 2021

2020 was probably one of the worst years mankind has ever lived to see. However, the dawn of 2021 is now upon us, giving everyone a reason to be optimistic and have a positive outlook on what the new year will bring. Keep Reading


POC: What it means to me

In a world of heightened racial tensions, a greater variety of terms and information denoting certain groups variety is emerging. As a term that serves to combine all minorities as one, is POC, people of color, an effective term? Keep Reading


Memes: How far is too far?

Memes dominate much of social media, with even meme accounts dedicated to create the next most popular meme. Yet, are these truly beneficial to society or do they just divert attention away from serious issues? Keep Reading


Why the SAT is inherently unfair

With the breakout of COVID-19 causing the cancellation of most standardized testing, many seniors sense a feeling of incompleteness for their college application. However, for others, the cancellation of these tests actually has made the college admission process the most fair it has been in our lifetime. Keep Reading

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