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Opinion - page 24


Breaking the basic

Just when we thought it became safe to step out again in black leggings and oversized shirts, a new label arose. As millenials argued over who had a “hot girl summer,” Gen Z’ers took control of many social media platforms, creating a new persona: the VSCO girl. Keep Reading


Skincare: Clean or Conventional?

With celebrity endorsed skin care and beauty ads popping up all over the internet, consumers feel compelled to buy these products as well. According to CNN, the global beauty industry valued just over $300 billion in 2018. Keep Reading


Tear down the idea of tearing yourself down

Self-deprecating jokes encompass a commonly-used form of humor: laughing at yourself. While it may be an adage you should be able to laugh at yourself before you laugh at anyone else, there is a line between finding comedy in your mistakes and blatantly tearing yourself down. Keep Reading

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