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Opinion - page 25


Why we should impeach the president…on Twitter

As this impeachment case progresses, it’s important to draw certain lines. Donald Trump’s Twitter account should not serve as an informal manner of accusations, specifically not during cases like these where biased opinions tend to overlap the facts. Keep Reading


Good News: A rarity but not extinct

Following the progression of hateful headlines in the world such as Donald Trump’s rallying cries of “build a wall” and “send her back,” it can be hard to believe that there are any good news movements. However, there are many sources of positive news to look forward to. Keep Reading


Protect your privacy

Societal recognition of the private sphere gives individuals permission to defend it at all costs against tyranny or oppression. One would think this sentiment is dramatic given that individuality is untouchable. However, when people know they are under surveillance, their behavior changes. Keep Reading

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