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Opinion - page 27


AICE and IB: An opportunity to expand our knowledge

Here at American Heritage, we like to challenge our knowledge and pride ourselves in getting the best education. With this mindset, it’s in Heritage’s best interest to offer a wide variety of programs, tracks and classes. Heritage, does not, however, offer similar college-preparing AICE or IB classes. These programs differ from AP courses and adding these options would be a good addition to the school’s curriculum. Keep Reading


Debunking the “perfect” summer body myth

While body image continues to be a hot topic in today’s evolving society, hopefully, the social perception becomes more accepting and less scornful of those with different body types. In the end, as perfectly said in the book “Dumplin’” by Julie Murphy, a bikini body is just that: a body in a bikini. Keep Reading


Straight Pride mocks LGBTQ+ Pride’s significance

Since the 1970s, June has been celebrated as “LGBTQ+ Pride Month” to commemorate the anniversary of the Stonewall Riots in Greenwich Village, New York June 28, 1969. The entire month serves as a time to remember the efforts of the LGBTQ+ people of the past who fought diligently for Gay Rights, one of the most notable being same-sex marriage equality. A great deal of backlash has accompanied these years of pride with countless groups of people outside the LGBTQ+ community… Keep Reading

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