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Opinion - page 28


Don’t let the MSD Movement die out

When students began protesting in Feb. 2018, pessimists said to give up. With every word at a rally or walkout, someone else would counter with words of hate. People said the movement would die out, so we might as well stop yelling. The verdict was a destiny of giving up and accepting no change. Keep Reading


Face-off: Is chivalry sexist?

In recent years, the appropriateness of chivalry in the social sphere has often been put into the spotlight. More than simply opening a door, the overall concept of chivalry leaves much room for debate. Our online editor-in-chief and opinion editor take opposing views and argue their respective sides. Keep Reading


Got Senioritis?

Second semester of senior year rolls around, and all you can think of is the mere four months you have left of high school. Laziness and procrastination kicks in, and you slowly start to care less and less about each night’s schoolwork and focus more on future plans. Grades slowly start to decrease, but the anxiety and panic that used to follow is nowhere to be found. Keep Reading

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