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Opinion - page 29


Shining a light on the reality of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Rising to media prominence as the youngest woman ever elected to Congress, Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez came out of left field for all of America. Her loudly progressive agenda and mighty social media presence have both contributed to her newfound political fame (or infamy, depending on which side of the political spectrum one lies). Keep Reading


Too many projects, too little time

Feeling the pressure of three major projects, National History Day (NHD), Science Fair and a research paper, and their importance towards your respective grades, you rest your head on the paper-covered table, wishing for all this disorganized frenzy to finish once and for all. Keep Reading


Cracking under peer pressure

Constant warnings and hypothetical “what would you do” situations have left most with at least a basic idea of peer pressure. The Encyclopedia of Children’s Health defines peer pressure as “the influence of a social group on an individual.” This influence is especially prevalent among teenagers. Keep Reading

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