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Opinion - page 31


Bring back the laptops

I see the evidence I racked my brain for to show that laptops surpass iPads in terms of efficiency and staying on track. My proof: without thinking, I chose to bring my laptop across the country instead of my iPad, subconsciously knowing my MacBook Pro would best allow me to complete my work. Keep Reading


“Doing It for the Cord” isn’t such a bad thing

When it comes to graduating, even some aspects of that achievement are quantifiable. Seniors may feel an inflated or deflated sense of worth depending on how many cords they wear as they walk across the stage. This leads students who are eligible to join honor societies to do so simply for the sake of getting the cord when they graduate, which seems inherently negative and self-interested. Keep Reading


Boston College Campus Reviews

Leading up to this three day trip in Boston, I had no idea what to fully expect. Sure, I had some ideas based on movies such as “Good Will Hunting,” but not a concrete picture of Boston or a university with such prestigious backing. Not only was this my first time in Boston, it was also my first time touring a university with a guide. However, each college I visited had its own unique charms, making each college visited during the trip memorabile in its own way. Keep Reading


Don’t hate on Patriot Post Polls

As a student newspaper, “The Patriot Post” strives to produce the most accurate, thorough and interesting news, sports, features, opinion and entertainment stories for our audience. We try not only to report important occurrences and discuss relevant issues, but to appeal to students from all across campus, regardless of grade level, grade point average or social circle. Keep Reading

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