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Opinion - page 32


Stop demoting Broward College

Beads of sweat dripping into your eyes, you see the bright red 46 percent plaguing the top of the paper. In a panic, you frantically plead for your neighbors to tell you their grades, but, having found no one that received a similar a score, you are left with only one recourse: joke about your educational collapse. Something along the lines of, “Oh, I’ll just go to the Broward College” slips out, and you have successfully completed the art of comedic relief. Keep Reading


We unknowingly contribute to the stress culture

Stress is a mindset that we encourage, albeit unknowingly. We compare how much coffee we have had or how few hours we slept last night. We compete regarding who is most stressed and who deserves the most sympathy for sacrificing their sleep and lives to their work. Keep Reading


AP Classes: Accelerated Pressure

Advanced Placement (AP) classes require extra time, focus, and effort, as they are college level courses. While they can be beneficial for students and their future college careers, they can also add a lot of unnecessary stress and pressure on already nervous high school students. Keep Reading

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