June 3, 2017 Opinion Regulations are required to protect airline passengers It is simply unacceptable that passengers are now subject to removal based on the whims of an entity beyond their influence. Keep Reading
May 5, 2017 Opinion #SocialMediaActivism When supporting a cause, don't forget a hashtag, as it may just help #SpreadTheWord. Keep Reading
May 4, 2017 Opinion North Korea: How Much Could They Hurt Us Americans should be vigilant about the threat North Korea faces, but not be baited into accepting a first strike. Keep Reading
May 2, 2017 Opinion Don’t monitor our iPads Maintaining privacy is larger than simply a legal contract; it sends a positive message to students that rights are indeed universal. Keep Reading
May 1, 2017 Opinion Pay attention: The Turkish referendum is not trivial Tt is puzzling that our government and indeed the world at large has remained silent in the face of clear affronts to the ideals of freedom and democracy. Keep Reading