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Football/Game Coverage/Profiles/Sports

The Mike Smith difference

Whether it’s training professional football players or high school athletes, Coach Mike Smith improves the skill of many young sports players everyday. Coach Mike has been working to bring athletes to the next level of play for around 15 years now; this interest roots itself in his days of playing sports as a kid. “ Keep Reading


The road to recovery

The road to recovery undoubtedly requires a certain amount of physical strength, but for many passionate athletes that find themselves tied helplessly to the sidelines, a return also calls for a strong mentality. Keep Reading


A league manager’s guide to make the fantasy season lively

As the NFL season draws closer, football fans anxiously count down the days until the first kickoff. Alongside each new NFL season, though, comes a new fantasy football season that creates just as much anticipation and excitement for many football fanatics as the real game itself. With the first game of the season in sight, fantasy football league managers (LMs) are searching to fill the last few spots in their leagues, if they have not done so already. Keep Reading

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