Celebrating juniors with donuts

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After getting through the first semester of what many consider the hardest year of high school, junior class president Elizabeth Xiao put together an event to celebrate junior achievements during the first half of the school year. In collaboration with the Student Government Association (SGA), the school gave out donuts to all juniors Jan. 28 during their lunch period. 

 “I just wanted to do something special for the juniors for making it halfway through the year,” Xiao said. 

Each junior who had their ID could out pick a donut from the many flavors being offered. From Boston creme to glazed donuts, juniors were free to choose which flavor they liked. 

“I thought it was nice of them to celebrate us getting through the first semester, especially because junior year has been very challenging,” junior Rishitha Mari said.  

This is the first time juniors have had an event like this, but Xiao hopes it becomes a tradition that could occur a few times a year. After many sleepless nights doing homework, studying for the SAT and keeping up with extracurriculars, juniors get to celebrate their hard work with this event. 

The event was a success, and after a couple of minutes giving out the donuts, all that was left were empty Krispy Kreme boxes. (Photo/Nina Vieira)

Juniors Emma Griffith, Stefan Lungescu and Joshua McMurray pick out one of the donuts Mrs. Marisa Behar, Mrs. Krisynda Cicos and Mrs. Jessica Miliffe helped distribute. (Photos/Nina Vieira)