Class Elections: A take on student platform over executive power

in Opinion by

This article was written by Kenzo Kimura, class of 2019.

America is not as perfect as we see it to be. Throughout American society, our main arguments arise when debates on human rights, racism and even political party affiliation come across the dinner table. As many Americans and immigrants watch their candidates come up on the big screen to speak – whether they ensure more opportunity for their constituents, a better year or even advertise themselves as the better president – everyone in our society is given an opportunity to share their voice through an electronic vote or public campaign. With multiple candidates and endless presidential posters, good (and bad) rumors unapologetically roam through social media and in person, creating a new persona for the people’s future leader.

April 20, 2018, presidential ballots opened at exactly 8 am and closed at 3 pm, leaving both candidates and voters nervous and sweating profusely through their continental uniforms.

No, it wasn’t your 2018 Democrat vs Republican presidential campaigns; it’s your high school class president elections.

As hyped as these elections and iPhone campaign videos are, how much power do these class presidents really have? Junior Thomas Lovegren, the current junior class president, explains that, “As a representative of the class of 2019, I, as well as the other high school presidents, meet together with SGA (Student Government Alliance) members and school administrators such as Mrs. Blum – the high school principal – and students from all across campus to discuss problems and solutions that are feasible and important for the student body.”

Although class presidents seldom have the jurisdiction to change school policy, they are the first people who come in contact with school administration whenever a problem or an event arises, strengthening ties between both students and the school.

“Not only do we hold these SGA meetings, but class presidents always have the opportunity of speaking at events such as the class ring ceremony,” said Lovegren.

Sophomore Barak Huang, the current sophomore class president, comments on the perspective of a student that, “It’s important to understand that students have their own opinions too; this is sometimes best expressed by representatives such as class presidents. However, although these roles may provide a way of student expression, sometimes it is difficult for these single individuals enacting on behalf of the whole grade to get things accomplished when taking into account the systematic operations of school administration. They promote student vision and ideas, yet resist change, which makes it very difficult to get anything done,” said Huang.

The class president title doesn’t guarantee the power that new students always dream of like free pizza and trips to Disney, but they do give students a platform to speak on school-related issues with administration members, leaving the president as the first student contact representing their class.

For the 2018-19 year, students ranging from the freshman to senior class, multiple students created presidential campaigns for the past month comprised of morning announcement, videos, posters and speeches hoping to gain this title. Regardless of whoever wins, this presidential title is noted throughout the entire student body. The 2018-19 class presidents are the school’s voice, and hopefully they know that as well.

Here are the candidates:

10th Grade (freshman candidates)

  • Anika Dham
  • Briya Patel
  • John Callanan
  • Aryan Ranjan
  • Zaneer Mitha
  • Cinzia Barracco

11th Grade (sophomore candidates)

  • Rajat Ramesh
  • Kevelya Koppa
  • Victoria Molina

12th Grade (junior candidates)

  • Erin Pyper
  • Joel Barnes
  • Ryan Sherota
  • Ephraim Oyetunji