Today, during fourth period, school administration called down this year’s Valedictorian and Co-Salutatorians to the office to inform them of their status. This year’s Valedictorian is Jared Shulkin with a GPA of 6.05. This year’s Co-Salutatorians are Matthew Robins and Ashley Westerfield with GPAs of 6.00 and 5.9999, respectively.
All three students happened to be in the same class when the office called for them: AP Literature and Composition taught by Ms. Melissa Santiago.
“It’s all so impressive to me how much having such brain power in classroom amplifies the discussions we are able to have. It’s serendipitous!” said Ms. Santiago
The office called the students toward the end of the class period, and they all left and walked together.
“Ms. Blum and Ms. Shienvold called in Jared first because he was the Valedictorian. Then they called in Matt and me,” said Westerfield, “They told us we were in deep trouble, but they were just kidding. They said that because our GPAs were so close, we basically tied and they would name us Co-Salutatorians.”
“This year the next two highest GPAs were so close, we decided to honor both students. They both deserved the honor of being named Salutatorians,” said Ms. Shienvold
All three students will speak at graduation, May 21, at the Don Taft University Center at Nova Southeastern University.