Club Fair provides new opportunities for every kind of student

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The annual club fair allows many students to get a new start and find groups that peak their interest. During sixth period, club leaders set up in the gym in preparation for the incoming crowds. Junior high students entered during seventh period, and high school students were able to visit the fair after school.

Senior Maria Denichenko, President of Guitar Club, stood by her booth as she recruited new members. “It’s a wonderful opportunity to distribute the knowledge of music and classical guitar and just provide opportunities for students to be involved; it’s a really enjoyable extra curricular activity that allows students to find a creative outlet,” Denichenko said. 

Project boards from over 100 different clubs spanned the gymnasium floor. With such a wide array of interests, students were bound to find something that suited them, whether science competition, Art Club, Business Honor Society or anything else.

“I’ve found that I really enjoy the Investment Club because it is extremely beneficial and fun and a valuable way for members to gain life experience and look out for their futures,” junior Alessandro Cross, Vice President of the Investment Club, said. 

“At the Club Fair, I signed up for Ms. deLeon’s Feeding South Florida and Ms. Brill’s Blue Missions Club because I enjoy helping out communities in any way I can. I especially resonate with  areas in South America since I’m Cuban, and I really feel like I’m making a difference,” sophomore Christian Baltar said. (Photos/Emma Colarte Delgado, Sadie Loughlin, Nina Viera and Cara Xie)

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