Future Business Leaders of America sweep district competition 

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For both middle and high school Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) students, the regional competition was a sweeping success. With over 30 first place winners, Heritage will take 74 students to the state competition in March. 

District competition either took place on the morning of Jan. 13 or the evening of Jan. 14, with testing events taking place during first and second period. Presentation event participants had their District Day competition the following day after school. 

Students from Calvary Christian and David Posnack School all came to the American Heritage Student Center to participate in the competition. Regional president senior Maliha Daya and FBLA advisor Ms. Rivana Stadtlander helped organize the event. The competition ran smoothly as both middle and high school competitors were able to present to their judges in a timely manner. 

After districts, FBLA students will compete in Orlando March 28-29 at states for a chance to make it to nationals in Anaheim, Calif. Below are the list of winners for the District Competition:



Seventh graders Ella Colarte Delgado, Abigail Mackenzie, Alexis O’Laughlin and Ariyanna Reddy prepare for their events in Exploring Business Issues and Exploring Public Speaking. “It was so much fun working on my presentation, and I put a lot of hard work and effort into it. I can’t wait for states,” Delgado said. (Photo/Maliha Daya)

Seventh graders Kara Gambill (Career Research), Hadley Haile (Exploring Public Speaking), Scarlett Loughlin, Malini Ravi and Christelle Diaz (Exploring Website Design) practice performing their events for each other before they head to the area of the Student Center designated for judging. (Photo/Maliha Daya)

Eighth grader Isha Bagalkotar and seventh graders Ashnia Bhatia and Kelly Xu all practice for their group event in Critical Thinking, Middle Level. (Photo/Maliha Daya)

As a rising senior, this is Emma’s third year in the Patriot Post and she’s excited to be the Online Editor this year. Outside of newspaper, she’s Co-President of the journalism honor society, Quill and Scroll, and also the Editor-in-Chief of the Sigma Xi Honor Society magazine. She is also involved in and has officer positions in Science Research, Sigma Xi, FBLA, Model UN, SNHS, and other clubs, including honor societies and her own nonprofit. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching dramas on Netflix, listening to Taylor Swift, and hanging out with friends and family. She’s very excited to work on the Patriot Post this year!