The Student Government Association (SGA) held annual class elections that would crown next year’s class presidents Monday, March 9 . The results showed that junior Zaneer Mitha, sophomore Julian Villegas and freshman Mudit Marwaha became the upcoming school year’s class presidents.
Upcoming senior class president Zaneer Mitha was class president the last two years, and decided to run a third time because he wanted to use his experience from sophomore and junior years to make everyone’s senior year the best it could be.
“As president this year, I hope to give my class a very memorable senior year and do this through various senior events, new activities during homecoming week and create other times that seniors can get together and enjoy our last year as a class,” Mitha said.
Outside of being president, Mitha is on the robotics team, participates in Model UN and takes computer science classes.
“I am most interested in computer science because every day we look at our screens without knowing what goes on behind them and this class teaches me what I’ve always wondered,” he said.
Upcoming junior class president Julian Villegas decided to run for president because he wants to help his community.
“[Being president] allows me to have a voice and helps me make sure people feel comfortable in whatever environment they are in,” he said. “I hope to be more than another student, rather, an advocate and a leader,” he said.

Villegas wants to make homecoming the most student engaged it has ever been and demonstrates this desire by speaking on how he cares for others. “I am very passionate about pleasing other people and improving my community,” Villegas said.
Outside of the presidency, Villegas’ interests rest mostly in music and acting. He plays the piano, guitar, the bass and also sings for the A capella Chorus at school. He also tried out acting his sophomore year and found a new passion.
New junior class President sophomore Julian Villegas smiles in front of his piano, one of the three instruments he enjoys playing. (Photo Submitted by Julian Villegas)
“I realized I had a talent I never knew I had, and thanks to the wonderful directors in the theatre department, I was able to embrace this talent in two plays at school,” he said. “If you embrace your talents and productive skills, you can accomplish a lot.” He hopes to carry this motto on as the new junior class president.
A new face to the presidency roster, freshman Mudit Marwaha will represent next year’s sophomore class.
“I ran for class president because I want to make sure that my peers and I have the best sophomore year experience possible,” Marwaha said. “I think that through SGA I can make sure that we have a fun and productive year, [while also] doing something truly impactful as a class.”
Other than SGA, Marwaha competes on the debate team and participates in the mock congress event.
“What I enjoy about debate is that I get to talk about real world issues that affect real people,” Marwaha said. “I believe that it will help me as a class president as it has taught me how to become a better public speaker and how to craft a more convincing argument.”