The National Honor Society (NHS) gathered volunteers 9 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 23 to fulfill Christmas wishes for 50 Angel Tree children, ranging in age from babies to young teens.
From scooters to walkie talkies to playmats, volunteers were sent on a “treasure hunt” throughout Walmart to fulfill these wishes by club adviser Ms. Michele Okun and senior club presidents Lila Cohen and Shreyan Singha. ”I would say that while it was fun, it was definitely busy… The best part is shopping for the gifts. It’s like a scavenger hunt,” Singha said.
To fund the event, NHS sold food, tickets and collected donations during Trunk or Treat Oct. 31. Raising approximately $1,000 through Trunk or Treat allowed the club to buy gifts for each child on their list. “About 20 volunteers showed up and everything ran really smoothly. I’m grateful to the NHS members who participated for doing such great work,” Cohen said. “The best part about Angel Tree is seeing everyone go shopping and fill all of the shopping carts with what the kids requested. It’s great to see the impact we’re having directly.”
The event was rewarding for volunteers, too, according to junior Samantha Lesser. “I had a lot of fun shopping around with my friends and it felt good to help give back,” Lesser said.

NHS completes 50 Angel Tree wishes for children. “NHS does Angel Tree every year, and we’re really happy to be able to provide holiday gifts for 50 kids this year who otherwise would be unable to afford them,” co-president Cohen said. (Photo/Jaiden Bomar)

After searching the store for an hour and a half, the volunteers assist in checking out. Having filled three shopping carts with gifts, the club is able to provide for children who may not have otherwise received gifts. (Photo/Jaiden Bomar)