With this school year unique to any year prior in that many students are participating in distance learning, what students eat for lunch on a daily basis has changed. In the past, students would either bring a bag lunch to school or buy their lunch. Whether it was Papa John’s Pizza, large pasta portions or a snack from the Asian food bar, students were accustomed to eating lunch in the same rotation of all the available options. Now, menu items have changed as many students are now at home for lunch.
Many distance learners either order lunch or use their break as the one time they can get out of the house and go grab food. Others make food at home and have learned to cook, a benefit from the coronavirus. In my personal schedule, I sometimes go grab food like Chick-Fil-A, but typically I have learned to cook and make myself lunch and have learned to cook some dishes during the pandemic. I have perfected my craft in pan frying fish and making fish sandwiches, and not only do I find them extremely tasty, but putting together and cooking the delicious meal is actually an activity I look forward to that has helped me thrive in online school.
When talking to distance learners, I discovered that many who order or drive to get food have a similar preference and frequency in restaurant choices. Chick-Fil-A and Chipotle serve as the most common food options for distance learners by far. Senior Danny Haimes explained his routine as “30% Chipotle, 20% Chick-Fil-A and 50% cooking at home, where I usually make rice and chicken.”
“[At Chipotle] I get a bowl with double chicken, white rice, guacamole, cheese, lettuce, tomato, corn and black beans,” Haimes said. “I love Chipotle. It’s my favorite restaurant because I love how the flavors combine and mix together to taste so delicious and how filling my order is.”
Senior Elliot Starkman also informed that, “I always either use Uber eats or go get food, and the selection is always a rotation between Chipotle, Chick-Fil-A, and Chicken Kitchen,” he said.