How to subscribe to the iPatriot Post

in Features by

With so many students and events on campus, it’s hard to catch up with news on the daily. Subscribing to the iPatriotPost can help keep students updated with the many happenings on campus, as well as allow students to read feature articles about their peers and maybe even themselves. Every month, we will be drawing a name from one of our subscribers to help us with an article and reward them with a subscriber special – so make sure to join! 

In order to subscribe, you can just scroll to the bottom of the and click the subscribe box. Enter your email address (your PL address works just fine). 

Following entering your email address, a pop-up should show up, notifying you that an email has been sent to your inbox to confirm your subscription. 

In this case, visit your inbox and an email asking you to confirm your email address should have been sent to the email address you entered. Press the confirm button and a link to the should appear, confirming your email address.

After confirmation, an email stating “Thanks for subscribing!” should appear in your inbox, and that is how you know for sure you have subscribed to the website. 

If you enter your email address on the website, and a notice stating you are pending confirmation pops up, search in your inbox “Patriot Post.” An email from WordPress should show up asking you to confirm your email. Once you find the email, follow the instructions above to confirm your subscription. Make sure to check your spam mail if the email doesn’t show up at first. 

If you are already subscribed to the iPatriotPost and the notification below pops up, make sure to check Junk mail for the emails you have been missing.

If none of the above tips help you, feel free to reach out to us. You can reach the Editor-in-Chief of the iPatriotPost at [email protected] (Emma Colarte Delgado). You can reach our advisor at [email protected] (Ms. Adams). Please consider subscribing to help our publication and feel free to reach out with any questions or suggestions. 

As a rising senior, this is Emma’s third year in the Patriot Post and she’s excited to be the Online Editor this year. Outside of newspaper, she’s Co-President of the journalism honor society, Quill and Scroll, and also the Editor-in-Chief of the Sigma Xi Honor Society magazine. She is also involved in and has officer positions in Science Research, Sigma Xi, FBLA, Model UN, SNHS, and other clubs, including honor societies and her own nonprofit. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching dramas on Netflix, listening to Taylor Swift, and hanging out with friends and family. She’s very excited to work on the Patriot Post this year!

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