For the third dress-up day of Spring Spirit Week, students adorned their best Hawaiian-themed garb, from florals to leis, March 12. In addition to the themed dress-down days, SGA hosted a school-wide duck hunt. After hiding tiny ducks all across campus, students from varying grades found the ducks and turned them into Ms. Fleitas’ room. At the end of the day, all the ducks collected from each grade were counted and the grade that found the most ducks won.

One of the ducks, found by senior Emma Colarte Delgado. These ducks were numbered, with this duck being #37. (Photo/Emma Colarte Delgado)

Dressing down with friends is one of the most exciting parts of Spirit week. From shared leis to luau skirts, friends can show their unity and kinship throughout the day. (Photos/Uma Hedge, Sadie Loughlin, Zain Masood and Nina Vieira)

Dress-up days weren’t just exclusive to senior high: junior high students also participated from the 8000 buildings’ hallways with their colorful outfits. (Photos/Camila Doerffler, Daniel Harper and Alex Ngo)

Teachers also rocked their favorite Hawaiian shirts for the day, encouraging students to participate in the fun as well. (Photos/Roma Agrawal, Camila Doerffler, Daniel Harper and Nina Viera)

Students loved to show their individuality, wearing everything from Lilly Pulitzer to matching shirts and leis. (Photos/Uma Hedge, Adiya Mukhitdinov, Zain Masood and Alex Ngo)

Sisters senior Jeeya and junior Prisha Patel arrive at school together, ready for the fun spirit day ahead. (Photo/Uma Hedge)