Record-breaking number of National Merit Scholars announced

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Following taking the PSAT in 2023, top-scoring seniors were honored as National Merit Scholars. This year, there were 44 Commended Scholars and 57 National Semifinalists, making Heritage the #1 school in Florida for National Merit Semifinalists once again. 

The school honored the scholars first with a congratulatory meal in the library, with administration honoring the students. Students then took photos Sept. 10 in black professional wear for publicity. These photos took place during the first and second period, with speeches delivered by administration to the honored students. 

Below are the names of the 101 scholars. Good luck to the semifinalists as they continue the merit process.


Samantha Almonte Pineda

Andrew Alper

Rajam Arunprakash

Himashi Balasuriya

Mila Bond

Anik Bora

Timothy Bower

Maryn Buchsbaum

Sihwan Chang

Lila Cohen

Anastasia Cortada

Bhuvan Dave

Nicholas Diaz

Sebastian Estrada

Iris Fan

Jack Finneran

Lydda Giraldo

Bernardo Guidi

Sahir Hai

Junsouh Hong

Matthew Jaccoma

Victor Jafet

Rafael Kattan

Sai Lalitha Kodukula

Akshay Kumar

Henry Lecompte

Apollo Lee

Ian Lumer

Calvin Mathew

Hari Muhunthan

Kamilat Mustapha

Khai-Hoang Nguyen

Aadi Patel

lsha Patel

Jeeya Patel

Rolando Perez

Samuil Petrov

Gabriela Piccoli

Santiago Quintero

Ayla Ramazanova

Xuzhou Ren

Matthew Rodriguez

Veer Roy

Matthew Ruiz

Guilherme Salles

Likhitha Selvan

Yusuf Sheikh

Roshini Shivakumar

Shreyan Singha

Evan Soy

Allen Ting

Emily Wang

Matthew Wang

Gabrielle Wiltshire

Jessica Wong

Jake Zeng

Kevin Zhang


Dylan Abadie

Gabriella Amore

Siena Baez

Medha Balaji

Jaimee Canalejo

Aubrey Caprara

Huaijin Chen

Cristina Escardo

Katerine Fateev

Roberto Freitas

Hardhik Guntupally

Clara Hilsman

Jara Jacobson

Arissa Khan

Andy Kizer

Timothy Kong

Sophia Kreimerman

Arya Krishnan

Quentin Laidler

Galen Lee

Andrew Lodin

Jaden Mantis

Vyom Mishra

Kangana Modi

Peter Moran

Kevin Moya

Gregory Musaelian

Alexis Negroni

Alejandro Otermin

Ronak Patel

Alessandro Pereira

Quincy Pierre

Michael Pimas

Emma Pudney

Jayden Reid

Nathan Rothbard

Hayley Schachter

Scott Shin

Jordan Steele Orgad

Michael Thomassen

Jonathan Vargas

Andres Vidaurre

Michael Wang

Hanna Zhang

The professional photos were taken on the steps of the 3000s Building. Here, all 101 commended and semifinalists stand together for the photo. (Photo/Cady)

From left to right, seniors Shreyan Singha, Jeeya Patel, Kangana Modi and Sai Lalitha Kodukula take photos as National Semifinalists. “I couldn’t have done it with the support and resources that are offered by the Merit [program],” Singha said. Under their guidance, I felt prepared.” (Photos/Jeeya Patel)

Seniors Roshini Shivakumar and Hanna Zhang take a quick selfie before taking the professional merit scholars photos. “Although it was a long, sweaty time, it was fun taking the pictures with my friends,” Shivakumar said. (Photo/Roshini Shivakumar)

Seniors Timothy Bower, Akshay Kumar, Audi Patel and  Gabriela Piccoli get arranged in rows and await the signal to take the photo. (Photo/Akshay Kumar)

Seniors Mila Bond and Alexis Negroni snap a quick picture before heading off to their second period class. (Photo/Mila Bond)

As a rising senior, this is Emma’s third year in the Patriot Post and she’s excited to be the Online Editor this year. Outside of newspaper, she’s Co-President of the journalism honor society, Quill and Scroll, and also the Editor-in-Chief of the Sigma Xi Honor Society magazine. She is also involved in and has officer positions in Science Research, Sigma Xi, FBLA, Model UN, SNHS, and other clubs, including honor societies and her own nonprofit. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching dramas on Netflix, listening to Taylor Swift, and hanging out with friends and family. She’s very excited to work on the Patriot Post this year!

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