After the historically tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Wed., Feb. 14, protests and calls to action in regards to gun control have sprouted across on the country and in our local community.
Senior Faith Ward, in accordance with fellow seniors Sydnie Rathe and Nicolas Fonseca with permission from the Plantation Police Department, has organized a protest for gun reform Mon., Feb. 19 at the sidewalks outside of our very own AHS Plantation campus.
“After the rally on Saturday, I listened to David Hogg speak about future actions he wanted to see organized, and he mentioned that he wanted to see individual schools doing protests on President’s Day,” Ward said. “I figured for Heritage, where so many people are angry and sad, organizing a protest would be pretty doable.”
The protest will take place from 10 AM to 12 noon. While the event is intended for Heritage students, all are welcome, and signs are encouraged. Any additional questions can be emailed to [email protected].