To kickoff the new school year, Senior Sunrise was held the morning of August 25. Two days before school starts, rising seniors met at 6:15 a.m. at Las Olas Beach in Fort Lauderdale. This yearly tradition signifies the beginning of the end for the senior class, and starts the senior festivities that are to come such as Senior Skip Days and Senior Video.
Student Government Association (SGA) President senior Mila Bond helped organize the event, and she coordinated the logistics such as communication and location. “When deciding between the school field or the beach, we chose the beach for the location because it’s really a part of Florida and us,” Bond said. “When prepping, I sent multiple texts to get everyone excited for the event.” Bond also handmade a sign for seniors to take photos with.
Over 100 seniors showed up to the event. Some decided to swim in the ocean, while others hung out around the Las Olas area. With the opportunity to take photos and sit and watch the sunrise, it was a great event to kick off the school year. “I really enjoyed being able to start the year off right with my friends, it was so nice to finally hang out after a long summer,” senior Jeeya Patel said. “I’m excited to finally be a senior.”

The handmade sign was a hit for photos at the sunrise. Here, Emma Colarte Delgado and Clara Hilsman use the sign as a prop against the sunset backdrop. (Photo/Emma Delgado)

Seniors Mila Bond, Maliha Daya and Emma Delgado enjoy the sunrise on the sand. “It was really nice to see our grade all together before the school year started and after the long summer,” Bond said. (Photo/Maliha Daya)

The sun rose around 6:40 a.m., 25 minutes after the scheduled arrival time. (Photo/Emma Colarte Delgado)