The spirit days for Homecoming week 2024 were released Sept. 24. This year’s theme, which was voted on by upper school students, is “Heritage Ever After.”
“The current senior class gets to vote on the spirit days. We always have a class t-shirt day and black and gold, but the seniors select the other days,” senior class teacher representative Mrs. Marisa Behar said. “I love [the theme]. It is Disney theme, and Disney World is the ‘happiest place on Earth.’”
There are after school activities each day, including the annual powderpuff game and food trucks on Monday, a senior class pizza party on Tuesday, a movie night on Wednesday and the pep rally/Homecoming game Friday.
The week wraps up with the Homecoming dance Saturday, Oct. 19.
Student Government Association (SGA) is hosting their yearly “Hoco Propo” contest as well. “SGA does this every year to promote school spirit and get everyone hyped up for Homecoming week,” SGA President senior Mila Bond said. “It’s been really successful in the past and people like it.” Students film and send in their Homecoming proposals and then the student body votes on which “propo” was the best. The winners get free tickets to the dance.
Overall, many are excited for this year’s theme.
“I am excited for the “Heritage Ever After” Homecoming theme. As a native Floridian, anything Disney has always had a magical feeling, and that’s the energy I get from this year’s Hoco theme. It’s just a wholesome theme that everyone can get into while showing their school spirit,” sophomore class teacher representative Mrs. Denise Roldan said. “The spirit days always bring the classic fashion looks, but the creativity in the names is really great this year. I think my favorite is going to be Heros vs. Villians. I can’t wait to see what my sophomore class brings.”

The Hoco flier is themed after the Disney movie “Tangled.” (Photo/American Heritage)