Spring Spirit week wraps up with class color day

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For the last day of “AHS Unwrapped” Spring Spirit Week, students were able to dress up in their class colors. Seventh graders to seniors participated in the fun, with a mirage of blue, purple, red, green, yellow and orange being seen all across campus March 14. 

In addition to the pop of color on campus, SGA hosted its second-ever Spring Pep Rally, featuring games for participants from all grades with excellent prizes such as gift cards and AirPods. This pep rally marks the end of Spirit Week, with all the games and activities of the week being tallied up to declare one Clash of Colors Spirit Week Winner: the class of 2026, the juniors. 

With this joy, many are left reflective of the significance the pep rally has for the year coming to an end. “It’s bittersweet for sure, but I’m glad I have the opportunity to rep my class colors one last time,” senior Haleh Afshani said. For the last spirit day of the school year, here’s a recap of what went down. 

Junior Ava Felger won “Best Dressed” as one of the last prizes of the week. For her win, she was gifted Apple AirPod Maxes, courtesy of SGA and funded by the PTO. (Photo/Uma Hedge)

From left to right, juniors Andrea Astudillo, Cecilia Gonzales-Jimenez and Neel Dhurva rock their class color of purple. With beaded necklaces and face paint, the group showcases their color on full display during lunch. (Photos/Zain Masood)

Seniors Jeeya Patel and Mehrish Zaman watch from the stands the events of the pep rally while decked in red. (Photo/Emma Colarte Delgado)

The Contemporary Music Club performed during lunch while in their spirit day clothes. Sophomore Ian de Almagro was on the mic, sophomore Braden Rice played the guitar and junior Gavin Thornton was on the drums. (Photo/Zain Masood)

Freshmen Adrika Hierholzer and seventh grader Alexis O’Laughlin spend some time together before school starts and the bell rings.  (Photo/Adiya Mukhitdinov)

Freshmen show their school spirit after almost completing their first year of school. The Spring Pep Rally marks the end of the third quarter and beginning of the fourth and final section of the school year. (Photos/Olivia Chung, Arsh Lalani and Sadie Loughlin)

Sophomore school spirit was through the roof, with face paint, matching shirts and a plethora of blue to be found on campus March 14. (Photos/Arsh Lalani Zain Masood and Alex Ngo) 

From left to right, juniors Miriam Noriega, Javier Malo Fassini, Dylan De Schryver and Tarek Abouelenin rep their class colors during lunch, celebrating after their pep rally win. (Photos/Adiya Mukhitdinov and Alex Ngo)

Freshmen Corey Harrison and Kaleigh McNicolas paint their class colors onto their arms to show extra support to freshmen during lunch. (Photos/Camila Doerffler)

Seventh graders Ella Colarte Delgado, Julia VanBerk, Mariana Mathes, Olivia Rozenburg and Abigail McKenzie enjoy the middle school pep rally during seventh period. (Photo/Ella Colarte Delgado)

As a rising senior, this is Emma’s third year in the Patriot Post and she’s excited to be the Online Editor this year. Outside of newspaper, she’s Co-President of the journalism honor society, Quill and Scroll, and also the Editor-in-Chief of the Sigma Xi Honor Society magazine. She is also involved in and has officer positions in Science Research, Sigma Xi, FBLA, Model UN, SNHS, and other clubs, including honor societies and her own nonprofit. In her free time, she enjoys reading, watching dramas on Netflix, listening to Taylor Swift, and hanging out with friends and family. She’s very excited to work on the Patriot Post this year!

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