What your froyo order says about you: A quiz

in Entertainment/Quizzes by

Choose a base:

  • Vanilla
  • Chocolate 
  • Vanilla and chocolate
  • Mango
  • Cake batter
  • Coffee

Vanilla= You appreciate the classics and simplicity in life. People count on you and you know how to balance out your life. 

Chocolate= You are a passionate person. You have comfort foods or flavors you always go back to, you are loyal. You are sometimes anxious about your future, but try your best nonetheless.  

Vanilla and chocolate= You are indecisive, have many hobbies and often can’t be put in a single box. You are interested in subjects or music that are a mix and different from one another.  

Mango= You have a vibrant, artistic and creative personality. You most likely either are in the arts or like to keep active. You try to have healthy coping mechanisms and always try to look at the bright side.

Cake batter= You often feel nostalgic about your childhood or certain memories and wish you were younger. You most likely regret middle school and are looking forward to forming a new future. You are involved in different groups so you may appear social but you have a close friend group you always go back to. 

Coffee= You are addicted to coffee and drink it several times a day; you can’t function without it. You most likely love to create themed playlists, read books or watch classic movies during your free time. 

Pick a fruit:

  • None 
  • Strawberries 
  • Bananas 
  • Blueberries

None= You like none of the fruits mentioned above, are craving an unhealthy sweet treat, or just want a simple frozen yogurt. You like to stick to what you know and keep your business to yourself and not get on the wrong side of people.

Strawberries= You have a romantic, optimistic and sweet outlook on life. You most likely enjoy strawberry-flavored desserts and appreciate the little details in life. 

Bananas= You are reliable and comforting. You value having fun but staying determined to your goals. When you enter a room, you have a presence that people notice. 

Blueberries= You love to  think of the complexities of life and explore subjects in deeper meanings.

Pick a second fruit:

  • Pineapple
  • Mangoes
  • Peach
  • None 

Pineapple: You have a unique style that is authentic to yourself. You appreciate trends but only take what you like from them.You have an uplifting and bright personality that pulls people in.  

Mangoes: You are creative, open-minded and very friendly. You often day-dream and have hobbies or interests that you like to keep to yourself. 

Peach: You know how to use your resources and survive in any situation you might be in. You have goals unique to yourself that you work towards in your free time. 

None: If you picked another topic before, you value simplicity and straight-forward flavors. You don’t like to mix up several ones together. You are also very communicative and direct in life. If you didn’t pick another topping, you are very bold and present yourself as you are. You don’t like to put yourself in a box or change yourself for others. 

Pick a topping:

  • Oreo crumbs 
  • Marshmallow
  • Sprinkles 
  • Chocolate chips

Oreo crumbs= You like to form a close friendship with everyone if you are in a friend group, but only trust certain people. You are adventurous and have a child-like humor and personality. 

Marshmallow= You cherish the time you spend with others and like to look back at your camera roll. You like to form a simple approach to problems.

Sprinkles= You have a complex personality and overthink a lot of stuff. You might overthink certain situations or undermine your talents and value. 

Chocolate chips= You like to keep whatever happens in your life to yourself, although you might confide in others at times. You are a listener and always give insightful advice in any way you can.

Pick another:

  • Granola
  • M&Ms 
  • Reese’s mini cups
  • Gummy bears

Granola= You value your health or love smoothie bowls. You prefer food choices that are not popular and you are goal driven. 

M&Ms= You make others laugh or love to laugh with your loved ones. You live in the moment and are fun to hang out with. You are bold, confident and present yourself as you are. 

Reese’s mini cups=  You prefer chocolate over candy or  you love peanut butter. Although you may seem mature for your age, you have a playful personality and are committed to relationships. 

Gummy bears= You have a humorous and childlike personality. You are most likely social and hangout in friend groups where you have a close relationship with each member. You keep in contact with the people you meet and love to go out and have fun. 

Pick a sauce:

  • Chocolate
  • Caramel
  • Strawberry
  • Whipped cream

Chocolate: You like indulgent, warm and rich flavors. You want to explore new flavors but always keep coming back to chocolate. You radiate towards simplicity and classics. 

Caramel: You are sweet and detail-oriented. You enjoy spending time with others, and there are complexities to your character most people can’t see.

Strawberry: You appreciate natural, high-quality ingredients. You also value forming high-quality relationships and don’t care much about being on social media. You are patient and value dedication and effort.

Whipped cream: You don’t take things to heart and value what you want in life. You can adjust to different settings, experiences and people. Responsibilities and problems may stress you out but you try not to reflect it on the outside and have fun in life.

Kayra is a rising junior who is passionate about art and journalism. She loves expressing herself and the issues she cares about through her writing and artworks. She holds officer positions in Newspaper, Quill&Scroll, and the National Art Honor Society. When not studying, Kayra loves to read nonfiction books, hangout with her friends, cook healthy meals, listen to music while creating art, and spend time with her cat and family. She is looking forward to her junior year as she prepares for AP Art and new articles to write.