With the start of the school year comes the end of summer and the return of fall.
From candles to Starbucks drinks, fall brings many seasonal scents and flavors including pumpkin, chai, cinnamon, apple and more. Although some scents are more enjoyable than others, each scent reminds me of the warm undertones of fall.
Despite its name, pumpkin spice does not entirely taste or smell like pumpkin. Instead, it contains spices such as nutmeg, allspice and cloves. These spices combined create a strong, distinct aroma. The artificial scent of pumpkin seen in candles never quite matches the real thing. Pumpkin will never go out of style as a fall scent, but if I had to rate it, it would give it a 7/10.
One of the best fall scents is apples. Not everyone gets to experience having apples available when they are out of season like we do. Living in a place where apples are readily obtainable year-round, they are not often appreciated fully. When apples are considered in season, they are known for warmer, more seasoned tastes and scents, as seen in the Starbucks apple crisp drink line or in Target’s fall candle section, in contrast to the sweeter apples consumed in summer. Cinnamon filled apple pie with a side of vanilla ice cream is a popular way to enjoy fall. 10/10
Cinnamon is known for its strong nature, whether that be taste or smell. When cinnamon is paired with other scents, it is quite enjoyable. On the other hand, by itself cinnamon is too strong and overbearing for my tastes. Purely cinnamon scents get a 4/10, however cinnamon mixed with something like apples gets a 7/10.
Although known for its sugary, syrup by-product, maple can range in scent from spicy to sweet and even fruity. According to Maple from Canada, maple often is compared to toffee or caramel. One of the most common forms of maple scent is the sweeter form. When I light a maple candle, fall does not come to mind, but rather pancakes and Canadian dollars. Due to the lack of seasonal correlation, points are being deducted. Other than the lack of connection, I enjoy the sweeter, fruity scent of maple. 7/10.
Overall, fall offers many seasonal scents, not limited to those named. Although we do not get to experience falling leaves and chilly weather in southern Florida, I am always excited when fall is “in the air” and my favorite scents make the season special.

As fall approaches, companies rush to put out new lines featuring seasonal scents, including pumpkin and chai. Since 2003, Starbucks has sold more than 600 million pumpkin spice drinks, with the drinks only being offered during a select few months of the year. (Photo/Jaiden Bomar)