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May 2018 - page 4


Minimize your AP exam stress

With just over a month left of the school year, some students are busy planning their big summer breaks, while others are focusing more on cramming for their AP exams. Princeton and Kaplan review books dotted with sticky notes can be spotted all around the halls. A common side effect of AP exams are the huge amounts of pressure and stress they bring upon students, and although the exams are (sometimes) hard and demanding, it is important to prioritize yourself over any test booklet. Keep Reading


Gun reform assembly welcomes important public figures and MSD survivors

In light of the recent Marjory Stoneman Douglas (MSD) shooting, many students at both MSD and other schools have taken action in trying to make a change. Political club members juniors Mark Kava and Shubhum Giroti took the initiative to organize a gun reform assembly, which took place in the Main Theater April 30 at 8 am, for seniors and some juniors. Keep Reading


Behind the clear backpacks policy

Following the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Feb. 14, 2018, Heritage has made considerable attempts to increase our safety on campus, including the addition of two police officers. Another attempt to increase safety will be the requirement of clear backpacks starting next school year. Keep Reading

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